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Rich sentiment data tracking news and social media in real time
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Prediction and Monitoring
StarMine Media Sentiment Model
30-day prediction model for global equities using sentiment
MarketPsych Event Pulse
An AI-driven investment news feed
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Scoring Engine for Natural Text
An NLP-as-a-service platform for financial text analytics
June 28, 2023

Russia's regime change score: minute-to-minute

Below is a minutely depiction of our #RegimeChange score (blue line) for #Russia from June 22nd to 28th, 2023 UTC time.

MarketPsych's real-time NLP engine scours macroeconomic themes, political risk, and country-level signals around 100' of risk-related events from 1000s of #globalnews and #socialmedia sources in 13 languages. In partnership with Refinitiv, an LSEG business our clients set risk management alerts for 100s of such risk-related events. Available country-level indicators include #SocialUnrest, Terrorism, InflationForecast, BondStress, and 100+ more.